74" x .375" x 55,000 Lbs. Hydrochloric Push Pull Pickle Line (Used)

Condition | Used |
Stock Number | VX-3090 |
General Specifications
Material: Hot Rolled, HSLA Steel
Maximum Yield Strength - .375" to .045"
- Thick Material: 90,000 PSI
- Thick Material: 35,000 PSI
Maximum Shear Strength: 90,000 PSI
Maximum Coil Weight at Uncoiler: 55,000 Lbs.
Maximum Coil Weight at Recoiler: 55,000 Lbs.
Maximum Coil Width: 74"
Maximum Strip Thickness: .375"
Minimum Strip Thickness: .045"
Coil OD (Entry): 80"
Coil O.D. (Exit): 74"
Coil ID (Entry): 20" to 33"
Coil ID (Exit): 24"
Maximum Line Speed/Strip Speed: 300 FPM
Tonnage Chart per Various Thickness Ranges: Average 300-500 tons per 12 hour shift. Average Thickness 0.120". Additional Pickle Tank Could Add 20% or More Capacity.
Maximum Output (Nominal Thickness): 25,000 Tons/Month
Electrical Supply (Input): 380V/3Ph/50Hz or 460V/3Ph/60Hz
Air Supply Required (Input): 500 Cubic Feet/Minute @ 100 PSI
Air Supply Required for Blower for Drying Strip: 50,000 Cubic Feet/Minute
Line Direction (Standing at Control Console): Left to Right
Complete Line With the Following Components:
1. 3-Coil Pusher Type Ramp or Rack
2. Coil Loader
3. 30 MT Capacity Double-End Cone Uncoiler with Large Wichita Heavy-Duty Air Cooled Brakes
4. Peeler and Hold Down Roll
5. Leveler/Processor/Flattener
6. Hydraulic Cropping Shear and Conveyor Rollers
7. Pre-Clean and Pre-Heat Section with Heavy-Duty Squeegee Rolls
8. Two (2)-60' Long Acid Tanks with Piping and Heavy-Duty Rubber Covered Squeegee Rolls for Minimum HCL Requirement
9. Exit Inside and Outside Squeegee System
10. Heat Exchangers and Hot Storage Tanks and Pumps with Automatic and Manual Controls
11. Multiple Stage Scrubber for Clean Atmosphere
12. Multiple Stage Hot Water Rinse Section with Heavy-Duty Squeegee Rolls for Minimum Water Use
13. Chevron Air Blow-Off System (After Rinse Section)
14. Oiling Rolls and Tension Bridle Roll Combination with Primary Oiling System for Oil or Dry Pickling
15. Mechanically/Hydraulically Actuated Edge Guides and Starting Guides on Carry-Over Conveyors
16. Squaring/Cropping Shear
17. New 5-High Corrective Cassette Type Leveler (Quick Change and Roll Cleaning) (Optional)
Max Leveler Speed: 400FPM
Thickness Range: .400" at 40"
.250" at 60"
Number of Work Rolls: 15
Work Roll Diametere: 3"
Roll Face: 84"
7 Flights of Back Ups
Motor: 200HP
18. Oil Tank, Pump, and Recovery System
19. Threading Table with Bridle Rolls
20. Recoiler with Automatic Edge Control and Hold Down Roll
21. Footage Counter
22. Steering
23. Exit Floor Type Coil Car
24. Digital Scale to Interface with Computer System
25. Boiler with Water Softener
26. Rinse Water pH Control
27. Storage and Holding Tank with Pumps and Piping
28. Testing Laboratory
29. Lubrication System and Wear Components
30. Electrical
31. Hydraulics and Pneumatics
Installed and Running